Submit a bug
cpdetector was not tested with all operating systems and all different virtual machine implementations. Even if I think that it runs quite stable, changes in the underlying implementations (jchardet) or even the own product code may contain paths never run through by own tests.
Please improve cpdetector by posting your detailed bug report here:
Submit a bug.
Please include a detailed stacktrace as well as the code that is needed to reproduce the bug.
Why should I?
The license
The Mozilla Public License 1.1 imposes restrictions if you modify the source files of the original distribution (or make extractions) of the initial developer's code: that modified code has to be distributed under MPL 1.1 but without the need to inform the originial developer. But why would someone do that? To fix a bug or add a feature. If the code itself is only used by an application (original files remain untouched and no excerpts are extracted) the MPL 1.1 does not affect the license of the application. To stay on the safe side you should prefer reporting bugs instead of fixing them by yourself. Or even better: fix the bug, report it and send the changes to the author. That would improve quality, development cycle and your reputation as a developer if you'd like to be put on some record.
My interpretation
"...if you incorporate code or algorithms from open source places, even inadvertantly, you are going to infect the intellectual property rights of what you are creating with the original code itself, depending on the license terms."I found this statement in a newsgroup.
I don't want to be responsible for infecting someone's work with an "open source virus". I don't want people to think of open source as a virus. I don't care if you do not follow the license. Users have to negotiate this with their conscience.
Users that report a bug or request a feature will remain anonymous to the public unless they declare upon a potential request that they agree to let their name be shown on some testimonial page in future. Also regardless of what (commercial) purpose, extend of profit the usage of cpdetector causes or the size of the user's company the developers of cpdetector will not demand a donation from users that contact the developer. Donations are a matter of the user's concience and/or engagement within her/his company too.
In ref-logs I've seen visits from major companies that returned several times to this page and stayed longer than 2 minutes. Don't be afraid, your contribution will be handled with discretion.